Update Opencore supports themes with the OpenCanopy.efi driver introduced in version 0.5.7

# Configuring OpenCore

Mount the ESP or EFI type partition from your system aka your SSD or HDD like it was done when copying boot files to the USB and navigate to the EFI folder, copy and paste inside the OC, BOOT folders.

Restart to enter the UEFI menu and create a boot entry that points to OpenCore.efi and make sure it is set to be the first entry or top priority one so we can finally get rid of the USB and boot without it, after that restart for the last time to reach the OpenCore boot screen. Finally pick to either boot Windows or macOS

# Optional Changes

# Intel Wifi+BT card users only!

Replace the corresponding files inside OC with the ones provided by ishubhamsingh found in OptionalConfig/IntelWifiBT.

# Broadcom DW1820A Wifi+BT card users only!

Replace the OC/config.plist with the one provided in OptionalConfig/DW1820A/OC/config.plist

# Broadcom BCM94360NG Wifi+BT card users only!

From the default configuration (OC folder) remove the following keys with a proper editor like PlistEdit Pro:

  1. Kernel -> Add -> BundlePath = AirportBrcmFixup.kext
  2. Kernel -> Add -> BundlePath = AirportBrcmFixup.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortBrcmNIC_Injector.kext
  3. Kernel -> Add -> BundlePath = BlueToolFixup.kext
  4. Kernel -> Add -> BundlePath = BrcmFirmwareData.kext
  5. Kernel -> Add -> BundlePath = BrcmPatchRAM3.kext

And also make sure to remove the following files from the OC folder:

  1. Kexts/AirportBrcmFixup.kext
  2. Kexts/BlueToolFixup.kext
  3. Kexts/BrcmPatchRAM3.kext
  4. Kexts/BrcmFirmwareData.kext

Save the files and restart